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Madhubani Art

Madhubani paintings are a type of folk art form famously known in India. Majorly practiced by the people in Bihar, one can easily recognize Madhubani painting with its delightful bright colors and geometric shapes.

Origin & History

Madhubani paintings, also known as Mithila paintings, originated from the Mithila region of India & Nepal. Around 2500 years back, the ruler of Mithila Kingdom, King Janaka, requested that the artists paint the whole city to celebrate his daughter Sita's wedding to Prince Ram. Since then, people of the city decorate their houses on special occasions by drawing Madhubani paintings on their walls. A significant part of the artwork from ancient times isn't preserved as it was made on mud walls and soil grounds and was erased the following day.

Style, motifs & peculiar feature

Madhubani paintings are spiritually inspired, mostly depicting people & their association with
nature. The theme usually surrounds various events such as birth, marriage, Kali Puja, Holi,
Festivals, Hindu mythology or to send out a symbolic message. Each element of nature
depicted in the paintings have a special meaning behind it. Like fish symbolizes fertility,
peacocks symbolize love, knowledge and romance, trees symbolize long life, lotus symbolize the female gender, and so on.